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Vina Jarkovič d.o.o.
Brod v Podbočju 15a
8312 Podbočje
Slovenia - EU

General queries
 +386 (0)7 49 77 013
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Sales hosipality sector
Mitja Kovačič, Sales Representative

 +386 (0)40 852 400
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Bogdan Navoj, Sales & Marketing manager

 +386 (0)51 466 992

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Igor Jarkovič, Director
 +386 (0)41 747 229
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Tina Žokalj, Accounting & Finance

 +386 (0)7 49 77 013

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Vina Jarkovič d.o.o.
Brod v Podbočju 15a
8312 Podbočje
Slovenia - EU



 +386 (0)7 49 77 013 






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